Our solutions -> Outsourced Dev Team

External Team Governance

MindStream Studio optimizes the management of external teams with smart governance, uniform standards, and automated quality gates.

Filed under: Quality gates between phases, Monitoring dashboards, KPI tracking, Standardized templates, Validation checkpoints

MindStream implements uniform development standards through predefined templates and automated quality gates. The monitoring system provides real-time visibility into the activities of external teams through AI-powered dashboards and continuous tracking of delivery KPIs.

Key Features in Roadmap


MindStream is your platform for full control of your AI strategy
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Our commitment to improving people's lives.
We are committed to promoting the adoption of transformative technologies that serve the community. As a Benefit Corporation, we annually allocate part of our human, technological, and financial resources to support projects that bring tangible benefits to the community.
Each project is chosen meticulously, with the support of our Ethics Committee committed to ensuring that the adoption of AI promotes a positive impact on environmental sustainability, and the cultural and economic progress of society.